17:09The next interview was with Mrs. Gonzalez. When I called her, a girl answered and said, "Papiiiiii." I said, "this is not your daddy!" Her mother quickly took the phone and asked me where I was. I told her that I would arrive shortly. I was a bit uncomfortable to interview her at the Church setting. I was 15 minutes late to the interview. She told me that she almost left. I did not ask, but she seemed to be no more than 30 years old. As I started asking questions, I quickly realized that she did not have a vast knowledge of family traditions. The clearest traditions that she remembered were the dietary customs and the superstitions. I videotaped her 3 times and she laughed throughout the interview. She expressed to me that the times have changed from her grandparent's time until today. In fact, shed mentioned that men take women without the parent's consent and do not marry in the Church anymore. Finally, she said that her family was not too religious. They were not really church goers, until her mother started attending the Catholic Church and she tagged along (3 years ago). She scored the lowest out of the 78 questions that I ask.
Finally, I interviewed Mrs. Pimentel Lara. She is also from Villa Sombrero, but met me at the city center of Baní at the Casino. She was kind of in a rush. I assured her that the interview would be short. We started rapidly and she answered all of my questions. She had a very clear notion of family traditions. I was surprised to learn that divorced women in her family are not allowed to remarry. She also made a statement that "thank God, there are no cousins married with each other in the family." When I asked her about family purity and menstruation, she had no idea about this because it was a taboo to speak about it. However, she did give clear instructions about the "riesgo" 41-day period after childbirth. She was meticulous about this, explaining the scientific reasoning behind it. I smiled! She added that her mother says that there are crazy women out there because they no longer keep this tradition. Her family did have a sense of making the weekend special with food, clothing, and cleaning. She explained that they killed their chicken by twisting the neck. They did check eggs for blood spots and clean their rice 3 times before cooking it. She said that her family was very religious, attending as many services as possible. Just as all of the interviews thus far, her family demonstrated a high level of morals and ethics. It was interesting to learn that the men in her family wore/wear hats all of the time, and the women cover their heads at all times. Finally, she demonstrated a clear knowledge of the superstitions that crypto-Jews practiced throughout the Inquisition time period. When I asked her about the Inquisition, she said that she had heard about it, but was not sure what is was. She also denied having Jewish ancestry.
Until next time. Stay tuned...
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