
I went to the Maria de Regla Catedral and spoke to Padre Felo. He received me with warmth and demonstrated interest in my research. He invited me for Pentecost this Saturday night to introduce me to the congregation. He told me to arrive at 6pm in order to introduce me one-by-one to the people that he thinks would be willing to participate. He gave me a huge lead by telling me that I should visit the town historian, Manuel Valera. Mr Valera wrote a genealogical book on the families of Baní called, Familias Banilejas. Padre Felo told me that Mr. Valera frequents the Church archives on a weekly basis. He also told me that I would be able to identify his house because of the Spanish Crest of his family. He jokingly said, "He considers himself Spanish because of his origins."

I walked about 10 minutes north to the Santa Cruz church, hoping to find the priest in order to gain access and entry. The two Haitian workers there told me that he had just left and would return around midday. I then walked back south in order to look for Mr. Valera's home. I walked around observing the architecture and the names of the businesses. As I walked through the streets of Baní, I felt that I was walking in the streets of Galicia, or perhaps Barcelona. This city has a colonial Iberian feel to it.

I noticed that the majority of the older men wear some kind of headcovering, either a cap or a fedora. I observed that they even use it inside their homes or businesses and wondered why they would do such a thing with the extreme desert-like climate of Baní. That is something that I will look into.

After walking for about 15 minutues, lost, I finally arrived at Mr. Valera's home. I recognized the Spanish crest of the Valera family on his wall. His house looks like an Iberian-styled museum from the outside. I knocked on all of the doors and at last, a woman answered. I presented myself and she allowed me to entered after I presented myself. I approached the living room and spoke to Mrs. Valera. She looked young. I had imagined Mr. Valera to be an elderly man. I told her who I was and what I was looking for in Baní. She told me that her husband was not home and that I would have to return. I left her a poster with my local contact. I then asked her how old was her husband, since she appeared to be in her late 30's perhaps. She smiled and invited me to another room where she had family pictures. They have two daughters, apparently in their 20's. Mr. Valera is perhaps in his late 40's or early 50's, by the looks of it.

I asked Mrs. Valera what family she was from. She said, "Medina," and added, "perhaps we are family too, since everyone here is related somehow."

At this point, I have to go back to the capital to get more clothes, where I have the rest of my luggage, since I didn't expect to stay in Baní for so many days. Either way, I must come back early tomorrow to prepare for Shabbath and Shabu'oth. So, I will be celebrating Pentecost with the Catholic community of the Maria de Regla Cathedral.

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